Our Bronze Awardees


PROJECT:  Community Garden

Emmaline Gonzales
Emma West
Haley Baker
Thora Wariner
Zoe Williams
Charlotte Dickinson
Lesley Heatherton

Partner: First United Methodist Church of Moore

Our Community Garden will supplement a food pantry at the church where we meet to provide fresh vegetables along with canned and boxed food that the church provides.

Our goal was to plant two separate gardens, each 4' x 8' 12' deep. 

This size garden allows us to plant a variety of vegetables and room to grow by adding a third garden of same size. 

The garden was placed in an area accessible by the church and the local community so it would be a no questions asked whether they go to the church pantry or just pick a few veggies from the garden.  We hope to encourage locals to work in the garden themselves. 

It is also located near a water source for watering but we provided a hose cart, hose and sprayer to adequate maintenance and care.

PROJECT: Mardi Gras baskets for kids with cancer!

Partner:  OU Children's Medical 

Partner:  Moore Animal Shelter

Collected items for the Moore Animal Shelter.  Items such as canned dog food (no dry please),  kitty litter, towels, wash cloths,  laundry soap(he), dawn, and fabric softener.
Katherine Stockstill,

Partner:  Joe's Addiction

Worked with  Joe's Addiction collecting toothbrushes, razers, notebooks, deodorant, toothpaste, floss, pens, combs, mouthwash and pouches. Prepared a meal for the residents. 
Anna Poppell
Maci Evans
Bethanie Kitchel
Ally Latange

They made beautiful birdhouses and hung them for seniors in the community.
Courtney Pope & Emily Kretschmer

Partner:  City Rescue Mission

 Blanket Drive for the City Rescue Mission
 Chaney Morris
Collected new Christmas ornaments to give to tornado survivors.

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059 support@trooptrack.com
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