Girl Scouts' Own is a girl-planned program that lets girls explore their feelings around a topic, such as friendship or the Girl Scout Promise and Law, using spoken word, favorite songs, poetry, or other forms of expression. It is never a religious ceremony.
Our troop typically does a scouts own on Sunday morning after a campout before heading for home. Most of them require doing a craft of some sort during the weekend. Some are just impromptu and can be done during the ceremony itself.
Example: The Be Kind activity requires the girls to create a Be Kind Banner and Poem to share on Sunday. The Thorns and Roses is one that is done while standing in the friendship circle with no preparation.
Here are some things we have done.
Scouts' Own needing preparation
Be Kind - This is best for Junior level or above. (Craft) | Word Version | PDF Version |
Short Scouts' Own needing no preparation:
Thorns and Roses (and buds) -
This Scouts Own is a time to share about the weekend. While standing in the friendship circle have each girl name a
Thorn – Something they didn’t like or would have changed about the weekend and the
Rose – something they loved or liked about the weekend.
You can also add a Bud – Something they would have liked to do more of.
Rocks, Stick and Leaf Behind -
This Scouts Own is a time to share about the weekend. While standing in the friendship circle have each girl name a
Rock – Something that rocked, what they most enjoyed.
Stick – something that they will remember (it will stick around)
Leave (Leaf) behind – Something they will leave and not repeat. .